About TradingGator

TradingGator is a review and news site for Forex and other related markets. This website and platform let you read analysis, critiques, and industry news that you can use to learn all you could possibly want about Forex trading and the various platforms you can use to jump into it. Having the right platform is crucial to executing trades, minimizing the amount of money and fees you spend on it, and learning various tactics and strategies to use in the Forex arena. While the potential to make money is certainly there, you need to be well-armed in order to do it.

Forex is by far the largest financial market in the world and it continues to grow by the day. Every day an estimated $2 trillion is traded around the world by those involved. The largest banks, businesses, and most of the major players in the stock market all have an active role in Forex trading. Trading happens 24 hours a day, seven days a week. To participate effectively, you have to be able to monitor currency rates at an alarming rate.


Currency trading is considered as one of the fastest-growing markets in the world today. More people are getting involved in Forex trading, especially in developed countries such as the United States. When anyone talks about the Forex market, then it deals with the buying and selling of currencies of different countries.

If you are new to the Forex market, you may want to start with one of the more popular pairs first. You can always turn a profit, as you learn more about the market. It is best to stick with the major currencies when you first start out because then you will have more of an idea on which currency pairs are doing well and which ones are not.